New Jewelry Arrangement

I love my jewelry.
I don’t wear it as often as I like but I do love to look at it.
I had been displaying all of my dangly earrings and necklaces on a corkboard, but I really wanted something a little prettier.

My favorite things 036

So I took some of the foam and packaging rounds from my guy’s work.


The foam was too big and had to be cut down.
Because of those little indented squares you see there, I had to cut creatively.



I traced and cut two half-circles.
I used the hot glue gun to make sure they didn’t move around too much as I was adjusting the fit.
I then covered the foam rounds in fabric and glued it on.
I also glued on some lace.
Because of the foam, I am able to kind of use them the same way I did with the cork board.  I used a strip of lace to hang some of the clasp necklaces from.


Now, I have my necklaces, earrings and bracelets out in a way that looks really nice to me and it easy to get to when I want to add a little bling for the day.

I love love the way it turned out!!!


Thoughts, questions or comments?